Child Safe Standards
As part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to implementing the recommendations of the Betrayal of Trust report, which found that more must be done to prevent and respond to child abuse in our community, there is a new regulatory landscape surrounding child safety, underpinned by the Child Safe Standards. Ministerial Order 1359 provides the framework for child safety in schools.
The Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian early childhood services and schools, to ensure they are well prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect.
At Montague School, every staff member, volunteer, contractor or visitor to the school is required to read and sign the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct aims to protect children and reduce any opportunities for child abuse or harm to occur. It also assists in understanding how to avoid or better manage risky behaviours and situations. It is intended to complement child protection legislation.
The Standards
There are eleven standards that all Victorian government schools must consider and implement at their school: | |
Standard 1 | Culturally safe environments |
Standard 2 | Leadership, governance and culture |
Standard 3 | Child and student empowerment |
Standard 4 | Family engagement |
Standard 5 | Diversity and equity |
Standard 6 | Suitable staff and volunteers |
Standard 7 | Child-focused complaints processes |
Standard 8 | Child safety knowledge, skills and awareness |
Standard 9 | Physical and online environments |
Standard 10 | Review of child safety practices |
Standard 11 | Implementation of child safety practices |
Relevant Polices
- Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Child Safety Code of Conduct
- Child Safe Standards Risk Register
- Child Safety Risk Management
- Child Safety Responding and Reporting
- Obligations Policy and Procedures
- Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy
- Bullying Prevention Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Volunteers Policy
- Visitors Policy
- Digital Learning Policy
- Yard Duty and Supervision Policy
Mandatory Reporting
In Victoria teachers are mandated to make a report to Victoria Police, the DHHS Child Protection and DET if they form a reasonable belief that a student is in need of protection because they are at risk of harm or neglect, or if a teacher holds a reasonable belief that the student is being subjected to physical or sexual abuse.
Family Support
At Montague we pride ourselves on the support we offer our students and their families. There are times when families need additional support, here is a list of useful websites which may assist.
Useful websites for families
For more information visit Child Protection and Child Safe Standards (PROTECT)