Vision & Values

Our Vision

At Montague School, every student is empowered to thrive, succeed, and achieve their full potential. Our vision is to create a supportive and inclusive learning community that celebrates diversity, fosters growth, and prepares students for meaningful and fulfilling lives beyond graduation.

Our vision is grounded in the belief that every student has inherent worth, dignity, and potential, regardless of their abilities or challenges. We are committed to nurturing a culture of respect, acceptance, and belonging, where students feel valued, supported, and empowered to embrace their uniqueness and pursue their dreams. Together, with our dedicated staff, families, and community partners, we will continue to champion the limitless possibilities of every student.

Our vision is not just a destination but a journey of growth, discovery, and transformation, where every student’s journey is honoured, cherished, and celebrated. This vision statement reflects our unwavering commitment to excellence, inclusion, and equity in vocational education, guiding our efforts to create a brighter future for all students.

Our Values

  • We are capable of achieving great things
  • We recognise the essential worth and rights of every person
  • We approach challenges with courage and commitment
  • To make time for study, friendships and hobbies
  • To take care of myself and enjoy what I do
  • To always try, even if I don't succeed
  • We ask lots of questions to learn more about anything and everything
  • We imagine possibilities and connect ideas
  • We make learning come alive by practising what we learn
  • We are curious about the things we see and learn
  • We are stronger together than we are alone  
  • We assume responsibility for our own learning

Student Expectations

Our school’s student expectations revolve around respect, responsibility, participation, and collaboration. We emphasise the importance of effort, effective communication, and safety while fostering inclusivity and a growth mindset. By embracing these principles, students contribute to a positive and supportive learning community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

  • Treat yourself and others with kindness, empathy, and dignity.
  • Value the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives, and experiences within our school community.
  • Listen actively, communicate respectfully, and resolve conflicts peacefully.
  • Attend school regularly and arrive on time, ready to engage in learning.
  • Take ownership or your academic responsibilities and strive for excellence in your studies.
  • Demonstrate honesty, integrity, and ethical behaviour in all your actions and interactions.
  • Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • Persevere in the face of setbacks, demonstrating grit and determination.
  • Seek support from teachers, counsellors, and peers when facing academic, emotional, or personal difficulties. 
  • Follow school rules and guidelines outlined in the student code of conduct.
  • Refrain from disruptive or disrespectful behaviours that interfere with the learning of others.
  • Demonstrate digital citizenship and responsible use of technology in accordance with school policies.
  • Respect school property and facilities.
  • Collaborate with teachers, staff, parents and community members to promote a culture of mutual respect.
  • Contribute positively to school events and extracurricular activities that enrich our school community.
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