The programs at Montague School are an integral part of the whole school curriculum and provide wonderful opportunities for students to further develop their skills and interests across a broad range of activities. Our aim is to educate the whole child, providing opportunities to broaden and develop their strengths and talents. These activities allow students to pursue interests outside the classroom setting with other students, external venues and the community.
Each learning journey is individualised and incorporates key skill-building programs for those areas in which students require further support. Each program provides recognition for small steps of achievement towards larger goals. Activities are carefully and considerately designed to further intellectual, personal, physical, social and emotional growth and development.

Montague School is part of the Active Schools program. This means we encourage physical activity through a whole school approach that goes beyond traditional physical education and sport to promote physical activity at every opportunity. The key priorities recognise there is no single solution to shifting inactivity; it takes a multifaceted effort. The priorities of the Active School framework are:
- Quality physical education
- Quality school sport
- Active classrooms
- Active travel
- Active recreation
Foundational Skills
This program is designed to support learners who struggle within a conventional sense, putting them at high risk of exclusion and disengagement. It is designed to develop a growing understanding of themselves and others and a readiness to learn. The program addresses wider learning needs related to personal, social and emotional development.

Towards Independence
This program teaches basic skills, cross-curricula learning, life and vocational skills, preparation for adult life and employability skills. Subjects include Personal Health and Social Education. These are taught at a level appropriate to the young person’s needs and abilities.
Art Therapy
Our Art therapy program uses art-making as a form of expression and communication. Through art-making it can be possible to explore feelings and concerns that may be confusing and hard to put into words. It has been found to be particularly helpful for working with young people with learning difficulties. This program helps our students express themselves, understand their experience and learn to modify behaviours. It can also help them build self-esteem, improve relationships and engagement as well as helping improve concentration and academic achievement.

Cooking & Nutrition
The cooking program enables students to develop practical skills in preparing healthy, nutritional lunches and snacks for the school community. All students are encouraged to sit down together and partake in the lunch provided by the cooking class. The recipes used are printed for students so they can make the dishes at home for parents and friends.
Physical Education
We have a rich sports curriculum program offering students the option to participate in a range of physical activities aimed at increasing their skill level, teamwork, sense of fair play and level of fitness. Our students also participate in inter-school sports with our local schools, as well as regional events. We also attend weekly basketball sessions at St Kilda PCYC.

Health Education
Our health curriculum plays a significant role in building the knowledge, skills and understandings that apply to a range of health, wellbeing, safety and movement contexts, including:
- Swimming and water safety
- Respectful relationships
- Building resilience
- Health and lifestyle
- Emerging issues in substance abuse
- Bullying
- Child safety
- Road safety
PAWS in Schools’ Program
Our small group sessions sees a Therapy Dog Team attend weekly during school terms to work with students on individual goals as identified in collaboration with staff. This might include literacy development, pro-social skills, motor skills, to encourage attendance and increase motivation, increase social connectedness, contribute to improved mental health outcomes.

The annual Montague School camp provides an opportunity for students to experience positive interactions with each other outside of the classroom. Fun activities, team sports and teamwork challenges both help develop relationships and deepen existing bonds of friendship and develops their sense of autonomy, self-esteem and independence.
Respectful Relationships
Our Health and Physical Education curriculum develops knowledge, understandings and skills to promote respectful relationships and safety. Students develop knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to strategies for respectfully relating to and interacting with others as well as strategies for dealing with relationships when there is an imbalance of power such as bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence (including discrimination based on race, gender and sexuality).

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
The mission of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award in Victoria is to advance the education, life experience and compassion of young Victorians, with a focus on supporting youth living with disabilities or who are otherwise disadvantaged. Programs create experiences that change lives as young people connect with their communities and are recognised for their achievements. Each program empowers young people of any ability to develop their skills, improve their physical and mental health, increase their resilience, connect with new peers and mentors, and discover new pathways for their future.